There are four MSF survey dictionaries available:
- Retrospective mortality and access to care (“Mortality”)
- Malnutrition (“Nutrition”)
- Vaccination coverage long form (“Vaccination_long”)
- Vaccination coverage short form (“vaccination_short”)
You can read more about the survey dictionaries at
Retrospective mortality and access to care (“mortality”)
Variables in the dictionary
The Mortality dictionary contains definitions for 174 variables:
Option codes
The dictionaries are exported using option codes that can be
translated to human-readable format. This table shows how they are
Malnutrition (“nutrition”)
Variables in the dictionary
The Nutrition dictionary contains definitions for 27 variables:
Option codes
The dictionaries are exported using option codes that can be
translated to human-readable format. This table shows how they are
Vaccination Coverage (“vaccination_long” or
Variables in the dictionary
There are two Vaccination dictionaries - a long form and a short
The Vaccination long dictionary contains definitions for 106
The Vaccination short dictionary contains definitions for 38
Option codes
The dictionaries are exported using option codes that can be
translated to human-readable format. This table shows how they are
For vaccination long:
For vaccination short:
Exploring the dictionaries
You can explore the excel-formatted dictionaries with
browseURL(system.file("extdata", "MSF-survey-dict.xlsx", package = "epidict"))
but treat it as read-only.