, R/gt_wrappers_internal.R
An attack rate wrapper function (using gtsummary and epikit packages)that takes a gtsummary object and returns a gtsummary object with attack rate (per given multiple) with 95% confidence interval
An attack rate wrapper function (using gtsummary and epikit packages)that takes a gtsummary object and returns a gtsummary object withattack rate (per given multiple) with 95% confidence interval
An case fatality rate wrapper function (using gtsummary and epikit packages) that takes a gtsummary object and returns a gtsummary object with number of deaths, case fatality rate, and 95% confidence interval.
A gtsummary wrapper function that takes a gtsummary object and removes a column from the table body by column name
A gtsummary wrapper function that takes a data frame and adds cross tabs by exposure and outcome
A function that adds mh odds ratio to an existing gtsummary object with same dimensions (will add to this later.)
A case fatality rate wrapper function to be passed to the gtsummary::add_stat function, which returns a data frame with a single row to be used with dichotomous data or overall data.Calls epikit::case_fatality_rate_df.
A case fatality rate wrapper function to be passed to the gtsummary::add_stat function, which returns a data frame with multiple rows to be used when location is set to "level" for multi-level categorical data. Calls epikit::case_fatality_rate_df.
An attack rate wrapper function to be passed to the gtsummary::add_stat function, which returns a data frame with a single row to be used with dichotomous data or overall data. Calls epikit::attack_rate.
An attack rate wrapper function to be passed to the gtsummary::add_stat function, which returns a data frame with multiple rows to be used when location is set to "level" for multi-level categorical data. Calls epikit::attack_rate.
A mortality rate wrapper function to be passed to the gtsummary::add_stat function, which returns a data frame with multiple rows to be used when location is set to "level" for multi-level categorical data. Calls epikit::attack_rate.
population = NULL,
multiplier = 10^4,
drop_tblsummary_stat = FALSE
population = NULL,
multiplier = 10^4,
drop_tblsummary_stat = FALSE
add_cfr(gts_object, deaths_var)
gt_remove_stat(gts_object, col_name = "stat_0")
case_reference = "outcome",
var_name = NULL,
show_overall = TRUE,
exposure_label = NULL,
outcome_label = NULL,
var_label = NULL,
two_by_two = FALSE,
gt_statistic = "{n}",
show_N_header = FALSE
exposure_label = NULL,
outcome_label = NULL,
strata_label = NULL
add_gt_cfr_stat_label(data, variable, by, deaths_var, ...)
add_gt_cfr_stat_level(data, variable, by, deaths_var, ...)
by = NULL,
population = population,
multiplier = 10^4,
drop_total = TRUE,
drop_cases = TRUE,
by = NULL,
population = NULL,
multiplier = 10^4,
drop_total = TRUE,
drop_cases = TRUE,
by = NULL,
population = NULL,
multiplier = 10^4,
drop_total = TRUE,
drop_deaths = TRUE,
A data frame, passed by the gtsummary::add_stat function
the name of a logical column in the data that indicates that the case died,
is passed as the first argument to epikit::case_fatality_rate_df
The base by which to multiply the output:
the column name from the gtsummary object's table_body to remove
A data frame, passed by the gtsummary::add_stat function.
column name to use as the exposure variable, must be logical class
column name to use as the outcome variable, must be logical class
Logical argument to include overall column in gtsummary output; defaults to TRUE
label for exposure variable
label for outcome variable
Name of a variable as the outcome of interest, passed by the gtsummary::add_stat function (e.g. illness)
Name of a variable for stratifying, passed by the gtsummary::add_stat function (e.g. illness).
additional params that may be passed from gtsummary functions.
whether or not to include the population column; default TRUE
a single-row gtsummary object with attack rate results cases, population, attack rate, and 95% confidence interval.
a single-row gtsummary object with attack rate results cases, population, attack rate, and 95% confidence interval.
a single row gtsummary object with case fatality rate results for deaths, cases, cfr, and 95% confidence interval.
a gtsummary object without the named column
gtsummary object with case and control counts tabulated by exposure, along with a crude overall odds ratio and odds using the Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test with 95% confidence interval (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/samplesizeCMH/vignettes/samplesizeCMH-introduction.html)
a single row gtsummary object with case fatality rate results for deaths, cases, cfr, and 95% confidence interval.
a single row or multiple row gtsummary object with with case fatality rate results for deaths, cases, cfr, and 95% confidence interval.
a single row gtsummary object with with attack rate results with cases, attack rate, and 95% confidence interval.
a single-row gtsummary object with attack rate results cases, population, attack rate, and 95% confidence interval.
a single-row gtsummary object with attack rate results cases, population, attack rate, and 95% confidence interval.