Produce odds ratios, risk ratios or incidence rate ratios

  perstime = NULL,
  strata = NULL,
  measure = "OR",
  extend_output = TRUE,
  digits = 3,
  mergeCI = FALSE,
  woolf_test = FALSE



A data frame


Name of A TRUE/FALSE variable as your outcome of interest (e.g. illness)


Names of TRUE/FALSE variables as exposures of interest (e.g. risk factors)


A numeric variable containing the observation time for each individual


Name of a TRUE/FALSE variable to be used for stratifying results. Note that this results in a different output table - giving you a table of crude measure, measures for each strata and the mantel-haeszel adjusted measure for each exposure variable listed in ...


Specify what you would like to calculated, options are "OR", "RR" or "IRR" default is "OR"


TRUE/FALSE to specify whether would like all columns in the outputs (default is TRUE) Non-extended output drops group odds or risk calculations as well as p-values


Specify number of decimal places (default is 3)


Whether or not to put the confidence intervals in one column (default is FALSE)


Only if strata specified and measure is "RR" or "OR". TRUE/FALSE to specify whether to include woolf test for homogeneity p-value. Tests whether there is a significant difference in the estimates between strata.


Inspired by Daniel Gardiner, see github repo Real data set for example from


# set up data set, first as 2x2x2 table
arr <- array(
  data = c(10, 35, 90, 465, 36, 25, 164, 175),
  dim  = c(2 , 2 , 2),
  dimnames = list(
    risk    = c(TRUE , FALSE),
    outcome = c(TRUE , FALSE),
    old     = c(FALSE, TRUE)
#> , , old = FALSE
#>        outcome
#> risk    TRUE FALSE
#>   TRUE    10    90
#>   FALSE   35   465
#> , , old = TRUE
#>        outcome
#> risk    TRUE FALSE
#>   TRUE    36   164
#>   FALSE   25   175

# Create data frame from 2x2x2 table
#> Attaching package: ‘tidyr’
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:Matrix’:
#>     expand, pack, unpack
a <- arr %>% %>%
  tidyr::uncount(weights = Freq) %>%
  dplyr::mutate_all(as.logical) %>%

# get the results from tab_univariate function
tab_univariate(a, outcome, risk, strata = old, digits = 6, measure = "OR")
#>            variable   est_type exp_cases unexp_cases cases_odds exp_controls
#> crude          risk      crude        46          60  0.7666667          254
#> old: TRUE      risk  old: TRUE        36          25  1.4400000          164
#> old: FALSE     risk old: FALSE        10          35  0.2857143           90
#> MH             risk         MH        NA          NA         NA           NA
#>            unexp_controls controls_odds    ratio     lower    upper     p.value
#> crude                 640     0.3968750 1.931759 1.2811369 2.912796 0.001456825
#> old: TRUE             175     0.9371429 1.536585 0.8839320 2.671127 0.126045958
#> old: FALSE            465     0.1935484 1.476190 0.7056245 3.088241 0.298455837
#> MH                     NA            NA 1.516129 0.9739216 2.360198          NA
tab_univariate(a, outcome, risk, strata = old, digits = 6, measure = "RR")
#>            variable   est_type exp_cases exp_total exp_risk unexp_cases
#> crude          risk      crude        46       300 15.33333          60
#> old: TRUE      risk  old: TRUE        36       200 18.00000          25
#> old: FALSE     risk old: FALSE        10       100 10.00000          35
#> MH             risk         MH        NA        NA       NA          NA
#>            unexp_total unexp_risk    ratio     lower    upper     p.value
#> crude              700   8.571429 1.788889 1.2486872 2.562790 0.001456825
#> old: TRUE          200  12.500000 1.440000 0.8989988 2.306566 0.126045958
#> old: FALSE         500   7.000000 1.428571 0.7316106 2.789484 0.298455837
#> MH                  NA         NA 1.436364 0.9769870 2.111738          NA